26 Jul 2011

Guy Kawasaki on Enchantment

Guy Kawasaki talks about enchantment.

Here is my summary: 

1. Be likeable
Have a great smile
Dress equal to the audience ("dress to tie")
Have a great handshake

2. Be Trustworthy
Trust people and they will trust you. Onus is on you first “buy a kindle and return it 5 days later if you want
Trustworthy people are bakers – they see the world as a zero sum game. They are not eaters
Default to yes. When meet people, how can i help that person? (not, how can that person help me?) How can I help the person will make you the best networker. People are very seldom unreasonable.

3. Have a DICEE Product ("rolling the dicee")
Deep (great products are deep and anticipate what people will need as they come up the power curve -lots of features and depth) intelligent (someone has understood and articualted my pain better than I have), complete, empowering, elegant

4. Have a mantra not mission statement. Explanation of product has to be short, sweet, and swallowable

5. Do a pre-mortem assessment so you don't have to do a post-mortem one. “let's pretend we failed” What are the reasons we could have failed. Talk about how we could have eliminated these.

6. Launch the sucker and tell a story. “Why did you start google?” “Why did you start apple?”
Plant many seeds – not like calssical marketing where you only plant a few and water them constantly. Don't only focus on the a-listers. You don't know who your “lonleyboy15” will be. He is the one who will make your product a success.

7. How to overcome resistance?
social proof: “other people are doing it, it must be okay”-apple white ipod buds
find a bright spot. Dont drive yourself crazy trying to fix your product for the naysayers

8. The higher the company, the thinner the air. The thinner the air, the more difficult it is to support intelligent life. Sell your company not necessarily to those at the top of the company
do not assume its the father that runs the company

9. When you have to pay someone, something could be wrong. Paying introduces a whole level of complexity.

10. People don't put their video on youtube because they get a slice of the ad revenue. They put it up because they want glory. Social validation.

11. Reciprocation is a very powerful force. You have to pay it forward though, and do something for somebody first. Relates back to, “always see how you can help someone, not how they can help you.” When someone says thanks for your help, tell them “I know you would do the same for me”. And let them pay you back! Its good for you and good for them.

12. Build an ecosystem for your product.

13. Know how to present
Customize the introduction (picture of me eating hagus, picture of my lg washer and dryer)
Sell your dream
Optimal font size is 30pts

14. Remove the speed bumps – no catpcha - make it easy to sign up to your product. 

15. Engage fast: reply to everyone within 24hr ALWAYS!

16. Provide MAP for people under you.
Master: you will learn how to master “social media” while working for us
Autonomy you will be working independently
Purpose organization has a higher purpose
*never ask people to do something you wouldnt do yourself