26 Aug 2011

Steve's Presentation Ability

In light of Steve Job's recent resignation, I have spent some time watching now famous Job's product launch presentations. Among my favourites is the iPhone launch.

What's clear to me about Steve's presentations is that he is tremendously passionate about his products. It's obvious he enjoys using them; his excitement results in you yourself wanting to use them. The facts that he places each launch within an historical context, alluding to its greater significance and industry implications, makes you feel as though you're not just purchasing a device, but membership in a movement. In the case of the iPhone, Steve doesn't describe a "hot new phone", but a "new device that will revolutionize the telephone". His presentation slides are famously minimalistic, rarely including more than one key word of image. His tone is casual and inviting, as if he were a friend inviting you to his summer getaway. There is no hard sell, but a soft invite that makes you feel foolish to not accept. The dignity, purpose, and professionalism of Job's presentations makes them a pleasure to watch.