28 Aug 2011

The Log Driver's Waltz

The Log Driver's Waltz is a Canadian folk song written by Wade Hemsworth to which I have many fond childhood memories attached to. In 1979, the National Film Board released this animated version of the Hemsworth's song recorded by the Mountain City Four, which quickly became iconic.

The song celebrates the profession of log driving, a practice in the lumber industry which involved transporting felled timber by having workers walk or run on the logs as they floated down rivers. This occupation required a great deal of strength and physical agility, and Hemsworth was struck by how much the sight of log drivers at work resembled dancing. The song's chorus is: 

For he goes birling down a-down the white water
That's where the log driver learns to step lightly
It's birling down, a-down white water
A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely.

From Wikipedia