9 Jul 2011

The Facebook Platform has one huge weakness

A great article from Chris at Momentus Media outlines the key problem with information distribution on the Facebook network. 

Any successful Facebook Platform developer knows how you build a successful social app. Cater to 100% of the population. The symmetrical and emotional relationships on Facebook only assume that friends have “emotional glue” connecting each other. Unlike Twitter with “interest glue” or Linkedin with “professional glue”, on Facebook you can only assume people will share content that emotionally resonates with a significant percent of their friends and their friends with only click and re-share content that emotionally resonates with them.
The key here is “emotional resonance”. The only content that can spread far and wide on Facebook is content that resonates with basic human emotions and resonates with an extremely high percentage of the population. That leaves about 99% of content out. This content is often called “boring” or “niche” content. B2B business, niche causes, and niche interests are left out while Coke, puppies, Lady Gaga, and Farmville explode.