13 Jul 2011

Day 10: Pivoting

I had one major pivot after meeting with PH and DQ at Eureka yesterday. I have decided to move away from investing in the real markets, as there are far too much legal concerns and strict regulations. I am moving towards investing in simulated stock market, but rewarding users for doing so. The key here is determining the reward.

This process helped me pivot to a more viable concept
I spent the morning drawing up a mind-map, which I found to be tremendously helpful. The power of the nucleus was very clear today. As a group we were able to come up with some key manipulations of my concept that made it a viable business model.

The gamification of the site will provide social reinforcement and "points" but to truly attract a wide user base, it is my belief that the site must reward its users with real-world value. The idea as it stands now is an online stock market simulator game that users buy into. They are then able to spend their profits in a store to purchase real goods and services. The business model is grand, but the legal viability is again ambiguous. More work on this and and update tomorrow.